/ 用教育点亮未来 /

After the intensive mid-term exams, OCIS organized the midterm Parent Teacher Conference on April 8th. Our PTC has always featured one-on-one and face-to-face dialogues, enabling all parents have thorough communication with all subject teachers, on student academics and their school lives.


The report cards are prepared prior to the parent teacher conference, which will help parents to know students’ results and performances. Here parents can see academic achievements together with holistic comments, as well as expectations for future.

Detailed and Positive Feedbacks

On a warm early day, parents came to school per their scheduled time slots. Teachers and parents conversed candidly on students’ behaviors and characters, analyzing their improvements and short-comings in details, sometimes on specific methods in solving particular questions.

English teachers made assessments on listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as routine behavior, work complement, and student relations. Weak areas were pointed with improvement suggestions.

Chinese, Math, Science and I&S teachers interpreted mistakes in exams and course work completion, providing extra-reading lists, and prompt feedbacks on student progress.

Besides caring about scores and performances, more parents are raising questions for future from various perspectives. And this PTC enables in-depth discussion with teachers of many subjects, also deepened understanding of more sensible subject combinations and program pathways.
Positive and Practical Solutions


Affirmation and encouragement are joined by solutions to problems. Teachers prepared in advance solutions for improvement by anticipating the common questions from parents, such as “how to finish homework on time”, “how to conduct effective parent guided book reading”, “do we need weekend school”, “how to make pathway planning” and etc. Without parents finishing the questions, detailed diagnosis and solutions were laid out, endorsed by their years of experience. Parents responded with nodding.

Informative Presentations

学校利用全体家长到校的机会,为10年级家长举行了升学指导及国际项目说明会,详细介绍了OCIS升学通路和IB DP、A-Level和德国双元制项目的学习内容和要求,帮助家长为学生进一步的升学规划提早做出准备。

G10 had the information sessions, where OCIS pathways and IBDP,A-Level,Sino-German Vocational Education Program were introduced respectively. Bringing parents and students up-to-date on issues of importance.

Professionalism Eudcation

Education is a noble profession as it is centered on individual growth. The “one-on-one” mode ensures parents fully understand student status while upholding confidentiality. PTC is hence a vital link in strengthening the school community.

Parents universally agree that this PTC has given students clearer perspectives on future. They quite approve the student-centered arrangements, and the responsibility displayed by OCIS staff. We encourage all community members to work with solidarity, for shared mission and vision, to empower our noble cause with professional excellence.

G12 Graduation Tree Ceremony

What is most worth sharing is the a new heart-warming agenda to the PTC, G12 graduates-to-be planted trees with their parents, witnessed by their teachers. Those trees will grow and blossom, as tokens of best wishes.
We wish those fine graduates will expand their vision while we take rest under the trees they plant, talking about their stories over scented teas, expecting their new success and wish them brighter futures.
